Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Smallest Change, Slightest Try

The clinician at a herding clinic this summer told us that with dog training it is important to acknowledge the smallest change, slightest try. I am learning that phrase applies to just about everything in life. This weekend Christian and I achieved a few house milestones.
  • Christian cleaned gutters while Megan gawked and stated, "Please don't fall off the roof."
  • Leaves, Leaves and more leaves. We now have a small city of yard refuse bags in our garage.
  • I succeeded (with my mom's help) in dealing with the pink nightmare that we had been waking up to every morning (see pictures below).
So my advice to everyone is to recognize the smallest change, slightest try.

If anyone needs help my mom and I will be happy to install roman shades. We seem to work best when Nebraska is struggling to maintain a winning season. Posted by Picasa

Who buys pink mini-blinds? Posted by Picasa