Sunday, January 22, 2006

My BCS Winter

B stands for Bono

I went to the U2 concert in December and Bono really touched me. No, really touched me, not just in a metaphorical way. Bono reached out and touched my hand. I don't know what else to say. I was reaching and my long arms paid off for once in my life. I don't know if it could have been much better, oh wait, I could have been the girl on stage during one of the greatest songs ever written. That would have been better, but I will take one touch.

This concert experience was so not me. Don't get me wrong, I love music. A good portion of the money that I have made in my lifetime has gone to a large collection of CD's now residing in rubbermaid containers (Thank you Steve Jobs!). The reality here is that I am kind of pessimistic. My thought is that I will stand in line for hours and I will still get screwed. So thank you to Cheryl for being my concert buddy. Even though we did not get into the inner circle I had a blast. Thank you to Bono, The Edge, Adam and Larry for rockin' in the Big O'. My support for the the "K West" Center (Bono's name for the convention center) is huge. Never in my life did I think I would have been this close to Bono, ever. What a night.

C stands for Cash

Christian and I went to see the Man in Black in Walk the Line. I have seen many movies this year and many of them are better in a movie critic sense, but this movie was my favorite. Go and see the movie if you haven't and see it again if you did. Great story, music and Joaquin Phoenix isn't too bad on the eyes.

S stands for Surgery

My foot has been royally messed up for about ten years. Who knows why, but my doctor said it is because of ballet. So I went under the knife on December 28th. I don't have many complaints about the actual surgery. At the beginning I had to explain to my anesthesiologist that I did not want her to use the euphemism, "put to sleep." When you work with animals it is not comforting. I do know that if I ever am really rich I am going to buy one of those blanket warmers that they have at the hospital. It is instant comfort in a big silver box. I am now happy that I can take a shower like a normal person. Glad that my suture was removed Friday because I was tired of looking like Frankenfoot. I am also grateful to have a partner in crime who is willing to take time off work and help me recover. Thank you.