Friday, February 16, 2007

Save vs. Splurge

**Disclaimer: Because I have realized how much I enjoy it when other people actually post on their blog, I am going to try to make an effort as well. **

I am a magazine addict. There, I said it. The problem with this addiction is that it is not just one type of magazine. I can read Marie Claire, Glamour, People US Weekly, Family Circle, Time, No Depression, Interview, Entertainment Weekly, and the Economist to name a few. If someone went through our recycling on a regular basis they could get an update on make-up choices, who Britney is now dating and the current state of the war (in case you didn't is not going well).

One of my pet peeves in fashion magazines is save vs. splurge. This is a regular feature of many women's mags. Here is the thing, when I think save vs. splurge I think Old Navy vs. Banana Republic or Target vs. Von Maur. It is always momentarily exciting to me to check this out until I remember that it is a big joke. Many of these features contain save fashions at roughly $250. I don't know about you, but to me that is definitely a splurge. The other night I went in search of an actual save vs. splurge site that was realistic and found Shop Happy. Check it out.

So here is my chance to see if anyone will read this posting. Readers: What was your favorite fashion save?